
Marketing Blog

Video Content: The Tool Your Social Media Strategy Needs

Video content is by far one of the best tools for your social media strategy. In fact, neglecting to use video content as part of your marketing strategy could make your brand susceptible to irrelevance. Here’s why. 

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4 Strategies for Building a Successful Google Ads Campaign

There was a time when business owners would neglect their online presence. Nowadays we know that, if you are not ranking in Google, you are doing something wrong. In this age of Digital Marketing, in order to reach more customers and generate leads, you need to add an extra layer of presence, and that is Google Ads.

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How to Create Email Content that Engages and Converts Contacts to Customers

Writing is an art. Writing content for an email that engages and converts contacts to customers is in a class by itself. It’s not just writing the content. It’s writing content people will read and want to keep on reading.

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Sustainable SEO: Writing for the Future

SEO is not a race, it’s a marathon. Knowing how to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape is a test of endurance. Google algorithms are smarter than ever, and long gone are the days where you could trick the ranking system by dumping a set number of keywords in a random article.

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36Xs More Leads in Just One Year: Successful High Impact Lead Engine Created for SaaS Platform

Many businesses generate leads through a variety of marketing initiatives. But often, those leads never actually become customers. It takes a strategic lead generation and nurturing engine to develop an inbound marketing strategy and successfully convert leads into sales. 

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How to Create a Social Media Strategy and Content in Canva

Do you stare in awe at beautifully designed graphics and strategically crafted messages on social media? Those posts weren’t just thrown together. It’s important to create a social media strategy for your business that speaks to your target audience. I recently hosted a webinar on the importance of creating a social media strategy and designing graphics in Canva to achieve your business goals.

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How Blogs Improve SEO

Did you know blogs improve your SEO? Writing quality content is a key aspect of every SEO strategy. Google likes to see that your website is active and consistently putting out valuable content that people might be searching for. In this article, I’m going to share metrics from Rutkin Marketing to show the value of blogs and how they impact SEO. If you don’t currently have a blog, I strongly recommend that you start one as soon as you can.

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Top 6 Subject Line Tricks to Get More Clicks

Do you have a low open rate in your emails? Your subject line may be the culprit. Subject lines need to be compelling so people open your emails, but they are often considered not as important as the body of the email. It's actually the opposite! Subject lines are the doorway to getting your email opened.

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Which Email Marketing Platform Should I Choose?

It can be overwhelming to research various email marketing platforms. On the surface, it seems like they all do the same thing. They do, to a degree. However, each platform varies among providers. After reading this article, you will have a better idea of which platform will be best to meet the needs of your company.

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Why Your Business Should Have an Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

An omnichannel marketing strategy utilizes multiple marketing channels to grow a business and interact with customers. The goal is for customers to have the same experience across all channels. Consistent user experience improves brand awareness and recognition, which leads to more leads and sales. Let’s dive into omnichannel marketing strategies.

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