
Marketing Blog

New Year, New Strategy: Sales and Marketing Alignment

Sales and marketing are two vital teams that contribute to the success of your business. Getting these teams on the same page is important to achieving your revenue goals and improving morale.

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Google Ads for B2B Marketing from Clicks to Leads

You made it. After extensive keyword research, thorough segmentation, and perfecting a killer copy, you just launched your first Google Ad campaign. The problem? You are not getting any leads.

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Top 6 Funnel Metrics to Track for High-Converting Leads

Every business relies on a steady stream of leads in order to grow and prosper. That’s why you need a lead generation funnel that attracts quality leads and moves them down the funnel.

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Top 7 Social Media Analytics to Track

Social media analytics has become increasingly important to gauge your online presence and content success. What social media metrics should you be tracking? 

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How to Create a Social Media Content Calendar

How do you plan social media content? Do you post spontaneously, or are you more strategic in your approach? Social media strategy is integral for successfully communicating to your audience and solidifying your brand presence to drive results.

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Top 6 Email Marketing Metrics to Track

Email marketing is more than sending an email and hoping your audience opens it and clicks on your offer. Analytics play a role in measuring the ROI and effectiveness of your email campaigns. Which metrics you measure will depend on your goals.

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Top 7 Website Metrics to Track

Do you struggle to figure out what to track when it comes to your marketing metrics? Determining the right metrics to focus on can be daunting for anyone. There is so much to analyze, and some metrics are more important than others.

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Email Marketing Will Produce the Highest ROI: Here’s Why

Are you satisfied with the return on your email marketing ROI? Understanding your return on investment (ROI) is essential for deciding which marketing channels are the most effective for driving results. The ROI metric should be top-of-mind when conducting your marketing analysis and understanding the financial impacts of your investments.

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Video Content: The Tool Your Social Media Strategy Needs

Video content is by far one of the best tools for your social media strategy. In fact, neglecting to use video content as part of your marketing strategy could make your brand susceptible to irrelevance. Here’s why. 

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How to Create Email Content that Engages and Converts Contacts to Customers

Writing is an art. Writing content for an email that engages and converts contacts to customers is in a class by itself. It’s not just writing the content. It’s writing content people will read and want to keep on reading.

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